Page 2 - Alloy Wheel Deburring Brushes Catalogue
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Alloy Wheel DeBurring – WHY !!!??

       Alloy Wheels have replaced normal steel wheels due to its aesthetic looks which give a complete makeover
       to the vehicle.

       Alloy wheels are manufactured with combination of multiple metals, most commonly Aluminum or Mag-
       nesium.  The manufacturing process allows for creative and custom designs enabling to select a style com-
       plimenting a vehicle. Light weight and Good Aesthetics contribute in reduced fuel consumption aiding in
       the vehicle’s performance. Alloy wheels are resistant to corrosion and dust. They are either painted or
       polished as these feature impacts life as well as looks.

                            Challenges faced after machining Alloy wheels

       Machining generates Burr in Spokes - Top and Bottom Surface, Centre hub – face and ID’s, Spoke cavity

       and Edges. These burrs if not removed may result in the pre-mature peeling of the paint or the plating.

                                         Solution Offered by IMEXSU

       Customized brushes specially designed for different wheel model depending on the shape of the wheel and
       the  burr height. The profile shaped brush  fits-in the shape of Alloy Wheel for the right deburring action.

                                                      TOP SHAPED BRUSH

                                                                        ALLOY WHEEL

                                                    BOTTOM SHAPED BRUSH
                  TOP BRUSH                         BRUSHING CONCEPT                       BOTTOM BRUSH
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